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Experienced Indiana Criminal Defense Attorneys Provide Skilled Advocacy

Knowledgeable lawyers represent accused individuals in the Noble County area

If you have been charged with a crime in the Noble County area or any part of Indiana, hiring an experienced criminal defense attorney can ensure that your case is given the time and attention it deserves. The attorneys at Tipton Law Group, LLC provide dedicated support to each client we represent. We are intimately familiar with all facets of the Indiana criminal justice system, and backed by that knowledge and experience, we are able to guide you through the process while ensuring you understand your legal options. Our results-oriented approach is intended to help clients move past the difficulty of their criminal charges and onto the next chapter of their lives.

Respected Indiana firm seeks dismissals, exoneration and fair plea deals

The lawyers at Tipton Law Group, LLC represent clients in local, state and federal courts. We take on charges ranging from minor offenses and misdemeanors to serious felonies, seeking the best possible result whether that comes with the charges being dropped, a not-guilty verdict at trial, or a favorable plea agreement.

Our firm may provide counsel and representation for clients charged with:

  • Violent crimes — Our attorneys build self-defense arguments and other strong legal responses to violent crime charges such as those for murder, assault and rape.
  • Driving offenses — If you have been charged with operating a vehicle under the influence of drugs or alcohol, driving with a suspended license or another traffic offense, we can examine the police report for potential vulnerabilities.
  • Drug violations — Our firm handles charges related to the possession, distribution and cultivation of illegal substances, and our goal is to help clients avoid harsh penalties.
  • Sex crimes — Sentences for sexual offenses can carry lifelong consequences. We will work to ensure that your side of the story is told and that your rights are protected.
  • Theft — During negotiations with prosecutors and in court, we respond to larceny, robbery and other theft charges.

Our dedicated legal team is capable of defending individuals against a wide range of criminal accusations. Once we accept a case, we readily address any obstacles that arise.

Attentive attorneys advise clients throughout the criminal justice process

At Tipton Law Group, LLC, we are prepared to go the extra mile to seek the justice you deserve. Through meticulous preparation and strict attention to detail, our efforts focus on achieving the best possible outcome for you under the facts of your case. We speak with witnesses, comb through police records and thoroughly examine the alleged crime scene, if necessary. We may also bring in experts who challenge the prosecution and help us prepare trial strategy.

We know that nothing is more important than your freedom. If you need a defense attorney who is dedicated to your case, contact us today.

Contact determined Indiana attorneys to provide your criminal defense

If criminal charges have been filed against you or a loved one, choose a criminal defense team with the resources and experience to make a difference. Call Tipton Law Group, LLC at 260-897-9800 or contact us online to schedule a free 15 minute consultation. Our Avilla office stands ready to represent you in your criminal matter.

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Discover how Brodkin Law can safeguard your innovations. Book a session with a member of our team and discuss your patent needs today.